April 12, 2020:

Philosophy professor, University of San Diego.

Master of superficiality, for whom to read Copleston is to understand the whole of western Philosophy in all its nuance. Begging the question: why take his courses when you can read the books in a weekend?

Smugness. Narcissism so extreme that when interviewed about the trial of his daughter's murderer his answers are all about himself. "I was tuning my string bass to F for a gig at the Spreckels Pavilion. We don't usually play there — it's not really a venue that's appropriate for show tunes — but I'd been asked and took it as a favor to my acquaintance. It's unusual to play in F as well, but my usual singer was out with excuses..."

I'd met him a few times. He was a bully and a fraud. His oldest son was not a bully but he was equally false.

I don't know that I ever met the daughter who was murdered. It's easy to picture her though. All the kids in that family looked the same. What happened to her is horrific. She was abducted off the street, dragged through rocks and scrub by a dog collar around her neck and her throat was cut so deeply she was nearly decapitated.

I pray for blessings for her every day.