January 1, 2021:

Undoing, Part Two: Social Media.

I write about depression, people who should know better respond with the laughter emoji. It wasn't a joke.

Who are these people? No idea.

"Unfriending" casual or workplace acquaintances, friends-of-friends, people I don't really know or care about. Shedding ex-girlfriends, conspiracy theorists, or those with nothing to say. If something stupid or thoughtless arrives in my feed I "unfriend" the author. Around one hundred, ish, over the last several weeks.

Dropping whole accounts. Snap, Instagram, Twitter.

Sinkhole. Wasteland. Part and parcel of unwanted exile. The repeated reinforcement of emotional isolation, where attempts to communicate either backfire or misfire, and the entire milieu is dominated by conspiracies and falsehoods and deliberate misinformation.