July 24, 2021:

Summer misery.

Fires from the north smother the ridge in wood and asbestos ash, so that it's deadly to open windows. There's no cross-ventilation anyway, the house is designed that way. While it's 100 degrees outside it's 110 inside. There are no working air conditioners yet the rent is multiple thousands per month.

The water pump fails frequently. The owner refuses to spend for the fix, so that there are days at a time without showers or clean dishes.

The electricity fails several times per month, often for 36 hours or more. Over time the no-longer-refrigerated foods which have to be tossed amount to thousands of dollars. The air conditioners wouldn't work, even if they did.

The property manager does nothing. Not so much him personally as his incompetent office staff. They mean well but they're dumb, and profoundly disorganized.

I'm without meds, which were withdrawn after my hospitalization. So that I'm dealing with this nightmare without the safety net which saw me through the previous unhappy house with its own strange zoo of randomly intractable problems.

Sick, unemployed, nearly destitute. Trapped: unable to swap this unlivable home for a better. Old. Isolated, tired, worn. Holding on, holding on, holding on for something better. At least the summer is sure to end.